EMC Testing
United States
NVLAP: Laboratory is accredited by NVLAP Lab Code 200409-0 to ISO/IEC 17025. The scope includes Electromagnetic Compatibility and Telecommunications EN, ISO, IEC, CISPR, AS/NZS, CNS, FCC, ANSI, and KN test methods globally, as well as Product Safety testing for Medical electrical equipment.
For a complete overview of GTL’s current NVLAP Accreditations and Scopes thereof, please visit the NVLAP Directory and search for “Global Testing” in the Laboratory Name/Code field.
Australia / New Zealand
ACMA: Recognized by ACMA as a CAB for the acceptance of test data.
Lab Code: US0167
China / Taipei
BSMI: Recognized by BSMI as a CAB for the acceptance of test data.
Lab Code: US0167
VCCI: Support Member of the VCCI. Conducted and radiated measurement facilities.
Lab Number: 2752
RRA: Recognized by RRA as a CAB for the acceptance of test data.
Lab Code: US0167
Safety Testing
CARAT: Recognized by TUV SUD Product Service Division (TPS) as a qualified testing laboratory for the acceptance of test data.
Cert Number: CARAT 084408 0007 Rev. 00
ISTA Certification
TRANSPORTATION TESTING: Recognized by the International Safe Transit Association (ISTA) as a qualified testing laboratory.
Member ID: ST-2119
Environmental Testing
RTCA: Compliant testing to DO-160G –Environmental Conditions and Test Procedures for Airborne Electronic/Electrical Equipment and Instruments.
ASTM: Compliant Salt Fog and Corrosion testing to ASTM B117 Standard.